Extract and fit clusters from an input graph.

  group = NULL,
  membership = NULL,
  map = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,



Input network as an igraph object.


A matrix or data.frame. Rows correspond to subjects, and columns to graph nodes (variables).


A binary vector. This vector must be as long as the number of subjects. Each vector element must be 1 for cases and 0 for control subjects. Group specification enables node perturbation testing. By default, group = NULL.


A vector of cluster membership IDs. If NULL, clusters will be automatically generated with clusterGraph using the edge betweenness clustering ("ebc") algorithm.


Logical value. If TRUE, the plot of the input graph (coloured by cluster membership) will be generated along with independent module plots. If the input graph is very large, plotting could be computationally intensive (by default, map = FALSE).


Logical value. If TRUE, a plot will be showed for each cluster.


Currently ignored.


A list of 3 objects:

  1. "clusters", list of clusters as igraph objects;

  2. "fit", list of fitting results for each cluster as a lavaan object;

  3. "dfc", data.frame of summary results.


Fernando Palluzzi fernando.palluzzi@gmail.com


# \donttest{
# Nonparanormal(npn) transformation
als.npn <- transformData(alsData$exprs)$data
#> Conducting the nonparanormal transformation via shrunkun ECDF...done.

adjdata <- SEMbap(alsData$graph, als.npn)$data
#> Bow-free covariances search. Use method: cggm ...
#> Number of bow-free covariances / df : 220 / 420 
#> Max parent set(S) / Sparsity idx(s) : 10 / 4 
#> Number of clusters / number of nodes: 2 / 31 

# Clusters creation
clusters <- extractClusters(alsData$graph, adjdata, alsData$group)
#> modularity = 0.5588502 
#> Community sizes
#>  3  2  1  4 
#>  4  8  9 11 
 cluster= 1 of 3
 cluster= 2 of 3
 cluster= 3 of 3
#> Found 3 clusters with > 5 nodes
#>   cluster n.nodes n.edges dev_df  srmr V.pv.act V.pv.inh
#> 1     HM1       9       8  1.062 0.052 0.000118 0.058611
#> 2     HM2       8       7  1.180 0.059 0.000468 0.927939
#> 3     HM4      11      25  1.840 0.059 0.000002 0.007126
#>     lhs op   rhs    est
#> 1  6647  ~ group -0.156
#> 2 10452  ~ group -0.021
#> 3 84134  ~ group -0.080
#> 4 79139  ~ group  0.000
#> 5  5530  ~ group -0.134
#> 6  5532  ~ group  0.169
#>     lhs op   rhs    est
#> 1 54205  ~ group  0.056
#> 2   836  ~ group  0.200
#> 3   581  ~ group -0.013
#> 4   572  ~ group -0.045
#> 5   596  ~ group  0.127
#> 6   598  ~ group  0.198
#>    lhs op   rhs    est
#> 1 4217  ~ group  0.086
#> 2 5606  ~ group  0.033
#> 3 5608  ~ group  0.188
#> 4 1432  ~ group -0.017
#> 5 5600  ~ group -0.296
#> 6 5603  ~ group  0.003

# Map cluster on the input graph
g <- alsData$graph
c <- clusters$clusters$HM2
V(g)$color <- ifelse(V(g)$name %in% V(c)$name, "gold", "white")

# }